Anita Blake, l'Exécutrice de Vampires...
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5 novembre 2010 : la FAQ relative au forum a été mise à jour. Pensez à y jeter un œil avant de poser une question sur le forum.

Et si ta présentation tu n'as pas encore fait, dis toi bien qu'il serait temps d'y penser...

Bonne journée !
Anita Blake, l'Exécutrice de Vampires...
Avis aux membres !

5 novembre 2010 : la FAQ relative au forum a été mise à jour. Pensez à y jeter un œil avant de poser une question sur le forum.

Et si ta présentation tu n'as pas encore fait, dis toi bien qu'il serait temps d'y penser...

Bonne journée !

Literrature, vampires, bit-lit
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 Sixth Grave Beneath my Feet - Charley Davidson 6 - D. J (VO)

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Dévoreuse de littérature
Dévoreuse de littérature

Nombre de messages : 5168
Age : 34
Localisation : Là haut...tout là haut...
Emploi : Prof et tortionnaire d'élèves reconnue
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2007

Sixth Grave Beneath my Feet - Charley Davidson 6 - D. J (VO) Empty
MessageSujet: Sixth Grave Beneath my Feet - Charley Davidson 6 - D. J (VO)   Sixth Grave Beneath my Feet - Charley Davidson 6 - D. J (VO) Icon_minitime1Jeu 06 Mar 2014, 09:33

Sixth Grave Beneath my Feet - Charley Davidson 6 - D. J (VO) 16061295Sixth Grave Beneath my Feet - Charley Davidson 6 - D. J (VO) Sixth+grave+on+the+edge

Synopsis :
Few things in life can come between a grim reaper and her coffee, but the sexy, sultry son of Satan is one of them. Now that she's agreed to marry Reyes Farrow, Charley Davidson feels like it's about time she knows more about his past. With Reyes reluctant to open up, Charley decides to take matters into her own hands and investigates secretly when the official FBI file of his childhood abduction lands in her lap. Because what could go wrong with that?
Unfortunately, another case has fallen into her lap, too—one with dangerous implications. Some very determined men want to find a certain witness who is scheduled to testify against their boss, a major player in the local crime syndicate. If Charley doesn't come up with an address in 48 hours, the people closest to her will start to disappear.
On top of that, Uncle Bob has a bizarre case involving random incidents of knifing in Albuquerque's Old Town. He suspects supernatural forces are at play, but can't solve the case without Charley's expertise.
Good thing for Charley she's used to multi-tasking and always up for a challenge…especially when that challenge comes in the form of Reyes Farrow.

Date de sortie : 20 mai 2014
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Sixth Grave Beneath my Feet - Charley Davidson 6 - D. J (VO)
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